Public Accounts Committee, 8th Lok Sabha - New Delhi: Lok Sabha Secretariat - v.p.

Lib./WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13355-62;; (wdr no.13363-75;
Lib./WDR/11/2006-07(wdr no.16968;

Ist report: Import of transfer aircraft, Min. of Defence
2nd report: Metro Railway, Calcutta
3rd report: Min. of Communication, (P & T Board)
4th report: Min. of Commerce
6th report: Conversion of Viramgam-Okha Porbandar section
7th report: Customs receipt-duty on passengers luggage
9th report: (1984-85), Union excise duties, Min. of Finance, Dept. of Revenue
10th report: Coaching services, Min. of Railways
11th report: CSIR-Engineering Science group, Dept. of Sci. & Technology
12th report: Cash assistance for export of ossein..., Min. of Commerce
13th report: Drawback payments, Min. of Finance, Dept. of Revenue
14th report: Union excise duties- exemption of goods... Min. of Finance
15th report: Receipt of the administration of the Union Territory of Delhi-Sales tax, Min. of Home Affairs
16th report: Construction of staff quarters... Min. of communication
17th report: Excesses over voted grands and charges appropriations, (1983-84)
18th report: Performance of container service
19th report: National Malaria Eradication Programmes
20th report: Customs receipts and union excise duties, Min. of Finance
21st report: Loss of revenue due to non-revision...
22nd report: Overall review of sixth five year plan...
24th report: Delay in setting up of repair
26th report: National Cooperative Development Corp.

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