Estimates Committee, 8th Lok Sabha - New Delhi: Lok Sabha Secretariat - v.p.

Lib./WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13382-92;

Ist report: Min. of Railways, Transportation...
2nd report: Min. of Home Affairs, Admn...Pt. 1
3rd report: Min. of Home Affaris, Admn... Pt. 2
4th report: Min. of Supply, DGS & D
8th report: Min. of Commerce-Tobacco Board
10th report: Min. of Education & Culture...
11th report: Min. of Defence, Coast guard.....
13th report: Min. of Personnel & Training...
15th report: Min. of Urban Development, DDA Pt.1
16th report: Min. of Health & Family Welfare Drug Standards
17 the report: Min of Finance, Dept. of Economic Affairs...

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