Journal of chemical and engineering data - Washington: American Chemical Society - v.p.

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Sanction dt.11/02/1988(wdr no.5995;
Sanction dt.11/02/1988(wdr no.6000;
Sanction dt. 11/02/1988(wdr no. 6000a;
Sanction dt.11/02/1988(wdr no.6008;
Sanction dt.11/02/1988(wdr no.6009;
Sanction dt.11/02/1988(wdr no.6009a;
Sanction dt.11/02/1988(wdr no.6018;
Sanction dt.11/02/1988(wdr no.6023-25;
Sanction dt.11/02/1988(wdr no.6042-43;

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