Public Accounts Committee, 5th Lok Sabha report - New Delhi: Lok Sabha Secretariat - v.p.

Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13025;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13026-34;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13035;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13038;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13051-54;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13055-59;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13036;

13th report: P.A.C. report no.303
14th report: P.A.C. report no.304
53rd report: P.A.C. report no.346
54th report: P.A.C. report no.347
55th report: P.A.C. report no.348
56th report: P.A.C. report no.349
59th report: P.A.C. report no.352
60th report: P.A.C. report no.353
70th report: P.A.C. report no.363
78th report: Paragraphs 35 &52 of the report of the comptroller & Auditor General of India for the year 1970-71- Union Govt. (Civil) relating to the Dept. of Steel & S&T (CSIR)
95th report: P.A.C. report no.388
167th report: Foreign participation or collaboration in research projects in India
174th report:- Cash assistance-Ministry of Commerce
178th report: Cash assistance for export of man-made fabrics
181st report: Emergency agricultural production programme, Dept. of Agriculture
183rd report: New service/new instrument of service, Ministry of Finance
186th report: Corporation tax & income tax, a review
190th report: Defence services
200th report: Foreign participation or collaboration in research projects in India
214th report:- Remissions and abandonment of customs revenue
221st report:- Computerisation in government departments
222nd report:- Regularisation of contingency fund advances

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