Estimate Committee, 5th Lok Sabha report - New Delhi: Lok Sabha Secretariat, 1976 - v.p.

Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13020-22;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13039-44;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13045;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13061-64;

14th report: Export promotion measures, commercial publicity, exhibitions & trade fairs, Ministry of Foreign Trade
17th report: Directorate General of Technical Development, Ministry f Industrial Development
19th report: Industrial licensing, Ministry of Industrial Development
85th report: Dept. of Electronics
86th report: Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (Television)
88th report: Cabinet Secretariat, Dept. of Personnel & Administrative Reforms
89th report: Cabinet Secretariat Recruitment, Training & Orientation of All-India Services
90th report: Ministry of Energy, Dept. of Coal
92nd report: Ministry of Railways
95th report: Planning Commission, Development of Backward Areas
97th report: Ministry of Works and Housing-Slum clearance and housing schemes
98th report: Delegation of financial power
96th report:- Ministry of Steel and Mines, Dept. of Steels
102nd report:- Ministry of Health and Family Planning, AIIMS

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