Committee on Public Undertakings, 5th Lok Sabha - New Delhi: Lok Sabha Secretariat - v.p.

Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13037;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13046;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13050;
Sanction dt. 19/05/1995(wdr no.6992-93;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13060;
Lib/WDR/2018-19 dt.15/05/2018(
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13065-74;
Sanction dt. 19/05/1995(wdr no.6994;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13075-79;
Sanction dt. 19/05/1995(wdr no.6995;

4th report: I.D.P.L.(Ministry of Petroleum & Chemical)
37th report: N.M.D.C. Ltd., Hyderabad
39th report: Pyrites Phosphates & Chemical Ltd.
41st report: Hindustan Steel Ltd.
42nd report: Food Corporation of India
43rd report: B.H.E.L.
44th report: Heavy Engineering Corp. Ltd.
62nd report: Rural Electrification Corp. Ltd.
47th report: F.A.C.T., Ltd.
49th report: Indian Oil Corp. Ltd.
65th report: Indian Oil Corp. Ltd.(Refineries..)
75th report: National Coal Dev. Corp. Ltd.
77th report: Steel Authority of India Ltd.
78th report: Rural Electrification Corp. Ltd.
80th report: Hindustan Antibiotic Ltd.
85th report: Hindustan Paper Corp. Lt., Min. of Industry & Civil Supplies.
87th report: National Textiles Corp. Ltd.
88th report: Hindustan Zinc Ltd.
89th report: Foreign Collaboration in Public Undertakings
90th report: Cement Corp. India Ltd., Ministry of Industry and Civil Supplies

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