Committee on Public Undertakings, 6th Lok Sabha - New Delhi: Lok Sabha Secretariat - v.p.

Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13083-93;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13094-105;
Sanction dt. 19/05/1995(wdr no.6996;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13106-08;
Sanction dt. 19/05/1995(wdr no.6997;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13109-10;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13128;
Lib/WDR/6/2005-06(wdr no.13185;
R.No.49/625 dt. 26/112/1984(wdr no.4389;

1st report: Extravagant and infructuous expenditure on entertainment by public undertakings
2nd report: Central inland water transport corporation reck-less and fraudulent sale of numerous vessels ( Min. of Shipping & Transport)
3rd report: Jute corporation of India ltd., Jute and exploitation of jute growers (Min. of Industry)
4th report: Extraordinarily high expenditure on publicity by public undertakings
5th report: Central Inland Water Transport Corporation-Procurement of Vacuvators (Min. of Shipping & Transport)
6th report: Galloping rise in foreign hours and costs thereof undertaken by the official of the public undertakings
7th report: Central Inland Water Transport Corporation-Inland Water Transport, Objectives & River Services(Min. of Shipping & Transport)
8th report: Jute Corporation of India Ltd.(Governments unfair pricing policy for raw jute, Min. of Industry)
9th report: Central Inland Water Transport Corporation- Mis-management in organisation admn. & fianancial matters(Min. of Shipping & Transport)
10th report: Unusually high expenditure by public undertakings for their head officers
11th report: Extravagant expenditure on guest houses incurred by public undertakings
17th report: Extraordinarily high expenditure on publicity by public undertakings
18th report: Central Inland Water Transport Corporation-Objectives and river services
21st report: Extravagant and infructuous expenditure on entertainment by public undertakings
22nd report: unusually high expenditure by public undertakings for their head offices
23rd report: Gallopin rise in foreign tours and costs thereof undertaken by officials of the public undertakings
24th report: Expenditure on hiring of storage space by public undertakings
25th report: Jute corporation of India: Shortcoming in the functioning of J.C.I. ( Ministry of Industry)
27th report: Hindustan Zinc Limited, Ministry of Steel and Mines, (Dept. of Mines)
28th report: Public undertakings-delays in commencement of production/business underutlilisation of capacity and related matter
29th report: Hindustan Paper Corporation Ltd., Ministry of Industry
31st report: Foreign collaboration in public undertakings
32nd report: Jute Corporation of India ltd., Governments Unfair pricing policy of raw jute
33rd report: Jute Corporation of India Ltd.-Jute and exploitation of Jute Growers , Ministry of Industry
36th report: Central Inland Water Transport Corporation, Ministry of Shipping and Transport
39th report: Central Inland Water Transport Corporation , Minsitry of Shipping and Transport
41st report: Jute Corporation of India Ltd.- Back to back arrangement for sale of Jute to jute mills, Ministry of Industry
42nd report: Perquisites enjoyed by public sector executives and perquisites enjoyed by Air India Executives- a case study
43rd report: Extravagant expenditure on guest houses incurred by public undertakings
48th report: International airports authority of India-Imbalances in the utilisation of airports and in the operations of foreign airlines vis-a-vis national carriers, Ministry of Tourism & Civil Aviation
53rd report: Air India- Commercial and staff matters , Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation

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